Become Internet Savvy - Tips for Seniors to Learn

If you're a senior in Canada who wants to become internet savvy, we'll show you how to get started. Learn about our Golden Guides Project.

Become Internet Savvy - Tips for Seniors to Learn

The Covid-19 pandemic has shifted much of our lives online, and the impact is likely to be long-lasting. This make it all the more important that individuals of all ages be computer-literate and Internet-savvy.

The DiversityCanada Foundation’s “Golden Guides Project” is designed to help you get there.

Through the Golden Guides Project, seniors will receive help in gaining Internet skills. Senior volunteers will be trained to guide their peers in using the Internet and in remaining safe while doing so.

On the sign up sheet, be sure to tick the first option, the one that says: “I would like participate in the Golden Guides Project and learn new computer and Internet skills.”

 The Covid-19 pandemic has shifted much of our lives online, and the impact is likely to be long-lasting. This make it all the more important that individuals of all ages be computer-literate and Internet-savvy.

The DiversityCanada Foundation has therefore designed two projects, the "Golden Guides Project" and the "Golden Years Project", to enable seniors to remain informed and safe, and to stay connected with their peers and community organizations.

Through the "Golden Guides Project", seniors will receive help in gaining Internet skills. Senior volunteers will be trained to guide their peers in using the Internet and in remaining safe while doing so.

Through the "Golden Years Project", seniors will have the opportunity to focus on subjects of interest to seniors under the theme of "Living Longer and Living Well". They will do so through a series of recorded group discussions and fireside chats with various subject experts.

Both projects will allow seniors to gather virtually (and in-person when public health regulations permit), thus providing opportunities for seniors to engage with their peers, once again.

The projects are funded under the Government of Canada's New Horizons for Seniors Program and will run till March 2022.